About José

José R. Urbina (b.1981 Guatemala City, Guatemala). In his work Urbina explores the concept of landscape and our complex relationship with the natural world through the medium of plastic. This ubiquitous material that permeates lives, shapeshifting endlessly - a double-edged sword enabling innovation while contributing to environmental degradation. Urbina’s work confronts the dichotomy of plastic head-on. By manipulating and transforming this malleable medium, he invites viewers to reconsider their connections to landscape in the modern age. His use of plastic with its infinite flexibility serves as a metaphor for our quick acceptance of new technologies before their true ramifications are clearly understood. Ultimately, he aims to challenge traditional landscape perspectives and mankind’s place within it. By bringing plastic center stage, he confront viewers with an inescapable modern reality.

Urbina lives and works in Charlotte, North Carolina,   He  studied at The school of the art institute of Chicago. his practice encompasses sculpture, painting, drawing and photography. Drawing inspiration his mestizo/ Mayan culture and everyday materials . Urbina’s Recent group exhibitions include:  Converge, Bridgette Meyer gallery, Philadelphia PA (US) in 2024; Raleigh fine art society,  North Carolina artists exhibition, , CAM Raleigh NC (US), Here to stay el arte del inmigrante   VozEs expression, Charlotte NC (US), Art for a change, Obra Collective, Charlotte NC (US) in 2023; 2022 OBRA Collective inaugural group show, OBRA Collective , Charlotte NC (US)  in 2022. He was also the recipient of the Charlotte Arts and Science Council’s  2023 Artist support grant  and Charlotte Arts and Science Council’s  2022 Seed grant.